We're looking forward to our October workshop next week, and that means we're taking some time to practice our classes and experiment with some tweaks to our curriculum. We're looking for people to help us beta-test these classes by attending any or all of the following free classes at our office over the next few days.
Value of Information practice session - 5-7pm
Come out and practice making Value of Information calculations to see how small adjustments can make a big difference. [Assumes that you've previously seen a Value of Information class]
Implementation Intentions - 2 sessions: 7pm, 8pm
If you want to make progress toward a goal, then you should visit this class. Learn to make your intentions concrete and actionable, and how to use findings from cognitive science to predispose yourself to act on them.
Value of Information - 2 sessions: 7pm, 8pm
Learn how to make small adjustments that produce big gains. If you can shave five minutes off of a daily task, you've won back nearly an entire week per year. And time is only one currency you can learn to spend more efficiently.
Building Bayesian Habits - 7-9pm
Bayes's Theorem is, provably, the best way to make sense of evidence. But what do you do when your information isn't quantitative? In this class, learn how to train your intuition to use Bayesian reasoning on questions you encounter in day-to-day life.
[Capped at 2 people, no previous experience with our Bayes class]
Your Inner Simulator - 7pm
You can trust your reflexes to dodge a thrown ball, but when else is your intuition likely to be reliable? Make better use of your intuition, by reframing questions. For example: Use “pre-hindsight” as you imagine a message from the future saying a project has failed, and watching as your brain instinctively fills in “It didn’t work because…”
Implementation Intentions - 8pm
If you want to make progress toward a goal, then you should visit this class. Learn to make your intentions concrete and actionable, and how to use findings from cognitive science to predispose yourself to act on them.
The Power of Narratives - 2 sessions: 7pm, 8pm
We build models and tell stories to make sense of the world, but we can let them get away from us. Learn how to to harness the power of storytelling and avoid common pitfalls.
Classes are usually capped at around 5 people, so RSVP to leah@rationality.org if you want to reserve a spot. All classes will take place at our Berkeley office (2030 Addison St, Suite #300, Berkeley CA -- just a block or so from the Downtown Berkeley BART).